225 Tshwane Metro officers investigated for corruption

By Neo Poho

225 Tshwane metro police department (TMDP) officers have been investigated for corruption including taking bribes from motorists. 

TMDP spokesperson Isaac Mahamba confirmed that they were investigating 225 cases against their officers and these ranged from corruption, bribery, extortion to kidnapping. 

The incidents happened over the past 12 months as the department also urged motorists to record videos or take photos of such malicious actions to help curb unlawfulness.

"As the department we are considering to use body cameras on our officers as this is a move that the Johannesburg metro police is also considering to curb the spread of corruption in the city.

We are also urging members of the public and motorists to ask officers to produce their appointment cards whenever TMPD members demand money or try to steal their valuables in their vehicles," Mahamba said.

Meanwhile, in a recent incident an employee from the Motor Industry Staff Association was extorted by officers at a roadblock at the Atterbury offramp of the N1 highway, the officers allegedly demanded the driver transfer money to their accounts as bribery for an alleged traffic offence.

Mahamba admitted that the case was brought to their attention and was under investigation.

Article Tags

Tshwane Metro Police Department

City of Tshwane

Issac Mahamba




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