Dressing for Diversity: Why Inclusivity in Fashion Matters

By Lindelwa Masuku

Inclusivity in fashion is crucial in promoting a diverse and accepting society. Fashion is a form of self-expression and a reflection of society’s values and attitudes.

Therefore, it is essential that fashion represents and celebrates all people, regardless of race, gender, size, or any other factor that may previously have excluded them from the industry.

Non-binary clothing has become a hot topic in the fashion industry, and with the rise of genderless and unisex fashion, it is no surprise that designers are taking notice. 

In South Africa and other African countries, designers are exploring the possibility of creating nonbinary clothing that is both fashionable and functional. 

One such designer is Calvin Lunga Cebekhulu, who was born in eNquthu, Kwazulu-Natal, in 1992 and is the co-founder of Drip Rags PTY. LTD. He has been making waves in the fashion industry with his nonbinary clothing collection, “Wear me with Kindness, I am your Armour.”

“The whole whole concept is about a young boy who is trying to find himself in this world
finding a way of who is. Growing up in a customary nature where he was taught a way of how to behave as a man, he had to channel himself on how to create his own journey. 

My range consist of different colours which is a narrative way of describe a journey of young boy who is the soil of the sun

The colour description

Black>the hardship and battles he had to experience
Navy Blue>confidence he to build find himself
Violet>the ambition he regain to upstate his royalty
Pink>creating sense of urgency, finding his joy
through his journey” 

the designer posted on his Instagram page. 

Cebekhulu’s collection is a representation of his journey as a nonbinary person and his commitment to creating a more inclusive fashion industry. The collection, which was a finalist in the 2022 SA Fashion Week New Talent Search, focuses on creating nonbinary clothing that is both stylish and functional. 

One of the key aspects of Cebekhulu’s collection is the use of bold, bright colors such as pink, which is often associated with femininity. By incorporating pink into his designs, Cebekhulu is sending a powerful message about the fluidity of gender and the importance of embracing one’s individuality. 

The use of pink in men’s clothing is a symbol of nonconformity and is a step towards breaking down gender stereotypes.

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The collection is made with high-quality materials that are both comfortable and durable. The pieces are versatile, so they can be dressed up or down, making them perfect for everyday wear. The designs are clean, minimalist, and timeless, making them ideal for people of all ages and styles.

The message behind Cebekhulu’s collection is clear: “Wear me with Kindness, I am your Armor.” This message is about embracing one’s individuality and celebrating diversity. The collection is a call to action for people to be kind to themselves and others, and to be confident in their own skin. The collection is a symbol of hope, resilience, and courage, and it is a reminder that everyone is unique and deserving of love and respect.

Cebekhulu’s collection is not only a reflection of his own journey as a nonbinary person, but it is also a representation of the growing nonbinary community in South Africa and Africa. 

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By creating nonbinary clothing that is accessible, stylish, and functional, Cebekhulu is making a statement about the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the fashion industry. He is paving the way for other designers to follow in his footsteps and to create collections that celebrate and empower people of all genders.

Inclusivity in fashion is crucial in promoting a diverse and accepting society. Fashion is a form of self-expression and a reflection of society’s values and attitudes. Therefore, it is essential that fashion represents and celebrates all people, regardless of race, gender, size, or any other factor that may previously have excluded them from the industry.

Inclusivity in fashion starts with designers, manufacturers, and retailers, creating products that are accessible and inclusive to all. This includes offering a range of sizes, using diverse models in advertising campaigns, and showcasing a variety of races, cultures, and identities in fashion shows.

Moreover, inclusivity in fashion can also extend to the workplace. The fashion industry must strive for diversity in its hiring practices and ensure that all employees feel supported and valued, regardless of their background or identity.

However, the impact of inclusivity in fashion extends beyond the fashion industry itself. When people see themselves represented in the fashion world, it can start a greater conversation about embracing diversity globally. 

When people see clothing and accessories designed for their bodies and identities, they feel seen and valued. This, in turn, can boost their self-confidence and empower them to be their authentic selves.

Inclusivity in fashion can also help to break down societal barriers and stereotypes. For example, featuring a diverse range of sizes in fashion campaigns can challenge the narrow beauty standards that have traditionally been upheld in the fashion industry and promote body positivity. 

Similarly, showcasing nonbinary fashion and gender-neutral clothing can help to raise awareness about the fluidity of gender and challenge societal norms.

Inclusivity in fashion is essential for creating a more diverse and accepting society. When the fashion industry promotes inclusivity, it starts a greater conversation about embracing diversity globally, breaks down societal barriers and stereotypes, and empowers individuals to be their authentic selves.
It is time for the fashion industry to lead the way in promoting inclusivity and making a statement that diversity is not just a trend, but a necessity.

In conclusion, Calvin Lunga Cebekhulu’s collection “Wear me with Kindness, I am your Armor” is a powerful representation of the growing nonbinary community in South Africa and Africa. 

The collection is a symbol of hope, resilience, and courage, and it is a reminder that everyone is unique and deserving of love and respect. The use of bold, bright colors, such as pink, is a step towards breaking down gender stereotypes, and the collection is a call to action for people to embrace their individuality and celebrate diversity. 

Cebekhulu’s collection is an important contribution to the fashion industry and is a representation of the growing demand for nonbinary clothing.

Join us again next week on Threads of Inspiration. 

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Non-binary Fashion

Diversity & Inclusivity


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